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About Us

Aurinia Consulting was founded in 1999 by Sandy King. After implementing a full ERP system as Operations Manager for a medical device manufacturing company, Sandy realized there was an immense gap in communication between ERP sales and the clients who need these systems. Aurinia Consulting serves to fill this gap for our clients, ensuring that you are provided with the best possible solutions tailored to your specific needs. 



Together with our clients we have completed more than 100 implementations, dealing with over 40 different software and cloud solutions. When we say we are provider agnostic we mean it. We do not accept perks from any software provider nor will we ever try to "sell" our clients on a particular solution.




We take a facts and data approach that is designed to flush out your business processes, follow the data, and clarify your system requirements. Then we give those requirements to a wide variety of providers within your budget and allow the solutions to describe how they will meet them for you.




A business systems solution should work for you, not cause you or your team more work. With an objective and system agnostic view we are able to accurately evaluate your needs as a business and match them with the system that will truly meet those needs. 




At the end of the day, your business solution is your choice and you should feel empowered to make the right one. 


If you have ended up at our site it is likely you know firsthand the overwhelming feeling of attempting to search for a new ERP. Or perhaps you feel the deep frustrations of trying to make your current system work for your business. Our team even offers the specialized service of implementation "rescues" for when clients feel trapped in a project that is over budget, behind schedule, and/or facing a mountain of issues. Wherever you find yourself, Aurinia is here to partner with you and see you through to successfully using your solution to run and grow your business.

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